LABIT - Produceing of  High Quality Laboratory Glass Equipment

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LABIT - szk�o laboratoryjne

LABIT - Produceing of  High Quality Laboratory Glass Equipment   Multiple adapters :

Still head
Claisen still head
Multiple adapter with two vertical sockets
Multiple adapter with one 135° socket
Adapter with screwthread joint (complete with cap, ring and washer)
Multiple adapter, cone 135° socket and one vertical
Multiple adapter, straight, with side socket at angle 15°
Adapter with glass side arm
Adapter with side arm fi tted with a plastic screwthread connector
Vertical delivery adapter
Delivery adapter, 105° socket
Receiver adapter – straight with vacuum connection
Delivery adapter, straight
Delivery adapter, tubing, with straight connection
Cone with straight tube
Cone with angle connection
Distilling receiver
Cone with glass stopcock, straight
Cone with glass stopcock, angle connection
Socket with glass stopcock, straight
Socket and cone with glass stopcock

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