LABIT - Produceing of  High Quality Laboratory Glass Equipment

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LABIT - szk�o laboratoryjne

LABIT - Produceing of  High Quality Laboratory Glass Equipment   Condensers :

Air condenser
Liebig’s condenser
Distilling links with Liebig condenser
Distilling links with Liebig condenser and vacuum connection
Distilling links, Claisen, with Liebig condenser
Distilling links, Claisen, with Liebig condenser and vacuum connection
Davies condenser (double surface)
Spiral condenser (Graham’s)
Spiral condenser (double surface)
Allihn condenser, cone
Allihn condenser, cone and socket
Allihn condenser for Soxhlet extractor, cone
Spiral condenser (Graham's) - type B
Condenser, Dewar
Dimroth Condenser
Condenser, Dry Ice

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